I have a programming question, but a little background first.
If you don't already know, I compete as a strongman. At the masters level (I'm well above 50 yo) I am fairly competitive, at least at a regional level.
I am 6" 1", average 270 lbs @ roughly 17% bf (although bf % is one of my least concerns).
I run cycles of the 531 for squat, dead, military, and bench (just started benching again after a 2 year lay off). Each primary lift gets its own day so my week looks something like this:
Monday: squat
Tues: off
Wed: bench
Thurs: conditioning/prehab/active recovery
Friday: DL
Saturday: 3-4 hours event training
Sun: MP
One critical point here is that the version of the 531 I use is actually a 3 day/week workout for 4 lifts. Since there are only 3 531 days, and 4 lifts, the lifts actually rotate days from week to week, so what you see above is only an example. The only static days are Tues, Thrus, & Sat.
Now on to the issue at hand. Like I said, I am fairly competitive. My weakness, however, lies in events that require an Oly type motion. C&P of an axle is a great example. While all my frieds/competitors can power clean 320+, I need to continental anything over 240, and my press is an ugly combination of a strict and a jerk. So using the axle example, I will generally lose or place very low if it is an event for rep over a set time since my style takes so long. If it is a max event, I can hang in there, but again, my poor pressing skills hold me back.
So the cliff notes version of this post are, what does the group think about adding oly training on my Tuesday that is normally off? I have the opportunity to get coached by a respected oly coach. I would not want to do anything to the rest of the schedule. My thought here is that while the oly work would be CNS taxing, it would at least stay pretty light an be no more than an hour, at least until I got proficient (which for me could take a long time - there is a reason I played offensive line. I have no coordination to the point that I have never in my life ever hit a fast pitch baseball).
If you don't already know, I compete as a strongman. At the masters level (I'm well above 50 yo) I am fairly competitive, at least at a regional level.
I am 6" 1", average 270 lbs @ roughly 17% bf (although bf % is one of my least concerns).
I run cycles of the 531 for squat, dead, military, and bench (just started benching again after a 2 year lay off). Each primary lift gets its own day so my week looks something like this:
Monday: squat
Tues: off
Wed: bench
Thurs: conditioning/prehab/active recovery
Friday: DL
Saturday: 3-4 hours event training
Sun: MP
One critical point here is that the version of the 531 I use is actually a 3 day/week workout for 4 lifts. Since there are only 3 531 days, and 4 lifts, the lifts actually rotate days from week to week, so what you see above is only an example. The only static days are Tues, Thrus, & Sat.
Now on to the issue at hand. Like I said, I am fairly competitive. My weakness, however, lies in events that require an Oly type motion. C&P of an axle is a great example. While all my frieds/competitors can power clean 320+, I need to continental anything over 240, and my press is an ugly combination of a strict and a jerk. So using the axle example, I will generally lose or place very low if it is an event for rep over a set time since my style takes so long. If it is a max event, I can hang in there, but again, my poor pressing skills hold me back.
So the cliff notes version of this post are, what does the group think about adding oly training on my Tuesday that is normally off? I have the opportunity to get coached by a respected oly coach. I would not want to do anything to the rest of the schedule. My thought here is that while the oly work would be CNS taxing, it would at least stay pretty light an be no more than an hour, at least until I got proficient (which for me could take a long time - there is a reason I played offensive line. I have no coordination to the point that I have never in my life ever hit a fast pitch baseball).