This May irritate you so I will! O.K. I stand 5'8" 235 @ 12% BF work one body part per week, follow the general but very crucial factors of success for the QUEST; nutrition, rest, consistency. I train 1 body part a day with a 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off regimen, I consume Protein Powders (NO PRO-TECH/CELL TECH) Just your Basic Egg Protein, Aminos, Beef Liver tabs, Vitamins, Antioxodant Cocktail Creatine (TRAC), Joint Fuel, Tribulus, ZMA ECA for that slight advantage before hitting the weight, now I have done much research, followed the board and really admire and look up to all the individuals that nurture us with knowledge, now basically I ask of you How are you ingesting (Cycling) your "Quest for Size and Strength" pharmaceutical mixture? I have not (ever) done AS but have gotten to a point where I think that it is the time approach this venue and exhaust it resource but 1st I always ask and I observe who is doing what and what does what and how does what benefit what and what serves as a synergist to what so how about' telling me how you cycle and a WHAT dosage and HOW LONG, Thanks Brother.