VeggieLifterChick said:
I'm working on dropping bf again. Question: If I am trying to restrict calories, and I ate my limit during the day, should I skip the post workout whey shake? Its a difference of 150 cals.
This is an interesting question. If you're working on sort of a weekly cal balance, then it would seem logically fine to go ahead and have the 150 cals, then cut off the cals the next day. I wonder though, over what sort of period is optimal to count calories - as a weekly total? A daily total? A three-daily total? Like, if you're at maintenance one day, then waaaay below maintenance the next, then above it the day after, but the total as an average comes out to a negative balance for the 3 days, that surely is fine
Also, how significant is the difference that would be made in protein recycling/synthesis for having the post w/o pro vs NOT having it? Couldn't that be made up the next day when you've saved enough cals to have a decent post w/o meal?
Sorry VLC - going off on a bunch of questions here, but it really IS an interesting question, isn't it?
BTW - some reason you didn't have a protein bar/shake/baked potato on you?

heh heh he heh (sorry, couldn't resist - but don't worry - my current nutrition is nowhere near as good as yours
