I just read the article "The Window of Opportunity". I currently take Lebrada Lean Bodies for meal replacements. Can anyone recommend a PWO drink? I want to cut fat.
If you read the Window of Opportunity article, why would need a PWO drink ?
Follow the protocol, and have some Whey Protein (Isolate preferably), Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Sodium and Water.
Drop the meal replacements, they are crap and expensive.
Have a meal replacement shake with (NOT POST WORKOUT) :
Whey Protein
Natural Peanut/Almond Butter
Flaxseed Oil
A whey/dextrose mix is the standard for a lot of guys. You can order them on line at places such as Protein Factory and the like. Or you can just buy a PW shake mix at a health food store or on line (I recomend DPSNutrition.com). Find one that fits your needs. I use N large by Pro lab. It is a maltodextrin( high GI carb)/whey mix with minimal fat.