mini_mouse said:
Hey KB, I think Warlobo was referring to his threat above when he mentioned his 'fine tuned editing powers'![]()
yea I know....but I was asking what he has done with new powers of his.

and yea I am totally bummed right now!! I had a date to go puppy shopping with my man this morning and cancelled when susan asked me to run with her. Sp he made other plans and Im sitting home like a jack ass. There MUST have been some CRAZZZZZY mix up becaue I would hate to think anyone would fuck around with me like this. I dont know susan well enough but I dont think she would mess around like this. I dont see it serving any purpose. I just HOPE she was able to run. shit...I didnt know what to do?? I saw this one chick that looked like her pics and said "SUSANNNN??" and she says "NO" but I SWORE it was her so later I went back out and said "are you suuuuuure you are not susan??" LOL... I guess I was desperate at that point.
FUCK! Then I kept asking everyone if someone signs up as partners and one person doesnt make the race can the other person run?? Nobody seemed to know the answer. I know she needed this run "under her belt" for her big run in a couple months. I hope if she was there she was able to run. There were so many people there!!!
SUSANNNNNNN WHERE WERE YOU!??!? I was over by the balloons looking ...then went over to baggage and looked there...went over to the "bathrooms" and looked there too...went back to 2west and 64th... NOTHIN!