dballer said:
I am sorry your wife was attacked.
I was attacked one by a black guy with a golf club. I was wondering if they should all be shot in the head too?
Listen I see your point. But are black people bred to hit people with golf clubs? No. Tell me if I am wrong but weren't oitbull originally bred to take down game by biting them and holding the bite until the master said heel?
I really hope this post was made out of anger.. because I own a Rott, Dobe and a mut.. I plan on adding a pit to the stable and after being around dogs my whole life I have found that there is no other breed of dog alive that likes human attention as much as the pitbull. Every pitbull alive did not attack your wife.. only one did.
Sure it was motivated out of anger but who wouldn't have the same anger if their loved one experienced the same thing. Lets say your baby is mauled by a chow. Do you think you would still have a chow? Be honest.
Also you should look into Great Danes they blow the pit bull away. They are best dogs ever for humans. Plus they are good looking dogs and pit bulls are buttass ugly.
One more question say you say another black man walking up to you with a golf club what would go through your mind? Be honest again.