Linzie1303 said:
Hi Pintoca! I was looking at your spreadsheet and plugging in some things and it seems pretty kick ass!
Was wondering though...I'm about to embark on my first competition diet..when I was looking at my numbers it was saying that I would get down to 106 at the end of 12 weeks. I'm only 127 at 17% bf. (5'5'')I think I might look kinda scary at 106! lol I know that I probably will not get to that weight and it is of course an estimate...But do you have any advice on wether I should maintain until 12 weeks out? I'm 17 weeks out and I'm not sure when to start cutting. I have heard a thousand different answers and am still playing with my carb intake. Thanks for any advice you could give!!!
Again...that spreadsheet is really awesome!
Hi Linzi, thanks for the feedback, glad to know it does helps other people... WOW, my spreadsheet being used as a preparation tool for Competition...never thought it would make it this far!!! Really happy about it.
OK, the timeline calculation depends on 3 factor:
1. How much weight you can shed each week
2. What %age of that weight is fat and what % is LBM
3. How efficient is your body at burning fat. In other words, how many cals you need to burn 1 lb of fat (100% efficiency would be 3500 cals, real-life needs more).
Since this last part is based only on observation of my results (large male), your numbers will vary. What I recommend for you to find your numbers are:
1. Start NOW with the diet, and run it for 6 weeks. Do a weight in every week (lets say, on fridays) and write down your weight and BF%. You need to write down exactly what you eat, and a good approximation of how many cals you burn per week with your training and cardio.
2. Do an average of the last 5 weeks (omit the first week, you will loose liquid). And note your personal numbers for: weekly weight loss, %age of fat and LBM and your efficiency (how many cals of deficit you have in 1 week, how many lbs of fat you burned).
With that, you can then change the values in the spreadsheet and create your own personal timeline.
Time is always scarce, so START NOW!!! If after 6 weeks you notice you are loosing weight too fast, increase you cals to maintenance level until you resume your cutting. Better to spend the last 4 weeks maintaining than on a desperate cutting race. You will need to play with your sodium and water intake towards the end of your cutting, to achieve peak condition.
Also, since this is for competition, keep a VERY close eye on your LBM, if it drops too much, up the calories. For a competition you cannot afford to loose too much of it, better to take it slower.
If you are not doing this All Natty, please ask the other Bors about what gear you could run for LBM preservation, without any virilization side-effects.
that is all for now, feel free to ask any additional questions you might have.