There are all sorts of levels of paranoia you can develop. But if you're that concerned about the batch to batch variablility of the same drug from the same supplier, then maybe you should consider if taking illegally obtained drugs is really worth the risks/hassles/cost. I dunno about you guys, but I think $90 is A LOT of money to spend even once to test once batch of 100 tabs. And BTW, the testing procedure requires 5 tabs, so there goes 1/20th of every bottle you buy just for testing. Of course, this gives you some idea of the variability from one tab to the next, which can be pretty important for females looking to minimize sides. If one tab is 5mg, and the next one is 15, it may average out to 10mg, but you're not getting very consistent dosing. This is less important for a male taking 4,5 or even 6 tabs per day. This is prolly my biggest reservation about paper products. Though I haven't tested them, I'm 100% certain that there will be dramatic variation from 1 square to the next. It's just the nature of the way it's processed and applied. I think paper is fine for the guys (it's reputedly 10% overdosed), but maybe a little risky for the gals.
Starfish, I agree that my bratis may not be the same as your bratis (or whatever). But testing bratis from particular suppliers will allow us to accumulate a database of good sources and bad sources for different drugs. In other words, it will help us to help you decide where to buy your next batch of oxandrolone from, rather than you taking pot luck from where ever you can get it. And believe me, the more reputable suppliers are also eager to see their products tested. They don't want to sell bogus gear any more than you want to buy bogus gear..........
Anyway, I get the feeling that a lot of folks have strong reservations about the whole idea of collective testing. I think it's a shame because this board is one of the few places where us "consumers" have the opportunity to take some control over what we purchase and whether or not we're getting ripped off. Illegal AAS supply is one of the biggest rip off games in the US. Chances are that many of us on this board have already been unknowingly ripped off, and will continue to be, without a collective effort to QA what we put in our bodies.