Diet is clean, chicken, tuna, lean steak, egg whites (I dont like yolks), oats, lots of broccili, spinach, green beans,romaine lettuce salads with cauliflower, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, some brown rice and baked yams. My meals are never the same day to day, just mix them up. I eat anywhere from 4-6 times a day.
Training split is: I have been doing 4 sets of 3-4 moves depending on how I feel.
Shoulders, usually front and medial, front plate raises, side lateral DB raises, front or rear military press either with DB or BB, incline BB front raises, DB front raises, some front and side laterals on cables (I dont remember what they are called)
Legs, I concentrate on quads one week and hams the next. Whichever one I am doing is usually heavy and the other is moderate. Have been doing wide stance squats, leg press, some hacks (dont like hacks), one leg squats on Smith machine, SLDL, standing or lying hamstring curls, good mornings...I could go on forever, as legs are my favorite to do.
Chest, flat bench DB or BB, flat bench DB flyes, incline press with DB or BB, some decline press with DB, cable flyes, pec dec
Back, lat pulldowns, pull ups, seated rows, one arm DB rows, T-bar, reverse flyes, bentover BB rows, sometimes deads
Usually take off, this is my rest period.
I do very little cardio, as I respond better to weight training. I would change up my schedule but work does not allow it.