I don't know, it'll just be fun, and an excuse to go to Cancun or Brazil afterwards. Plus, it's one of the few times the inlaw's will talk to eachother on a civil basis, so...
They can, but sometimes people feel guilty about that stuff(think it's a waste of money). When you're on your honeymoon, the world is your oyster. Spend lavishly, and have no regrets.
I'd start worrying about those "runners"
is your wife at bat attempting to "score" the runners?
two of em' too,not a good image for the mind's eye
better go give her a back rub and get off the net
I'd start worrying about those "runners"
is your wife at bat attempting to "score" the runners?
two of em' too,not a good image for the mind's eye
better go give her a back rub and get off the net