New member
As in previous threads, i told people im an experienced lifter, competed in the 80's, on the national level, but recently made a comback..Wow, how things have changed! All we used to do, for the bench, was regular presses off the chest, some close grips and shoulder work and thats it! now that i have made the come back im doing board presses bands,chains, speed bench question is, on ME day, do you guys do any kind of pec work at all? and when? I mean like inclines or flat dumbell presses? When i went to the Arnold Classic, three westside guys either tore or "twanged" there pecks, and Jammie Harris was there, and he had just recently tore his pec! Fussner tore his pretty badly and Halbert twanged his in the warm up room. One of them made a comment that they felt they needed more pec work..just wanted some opinions bros!!