well you know it.... And I am sure you need a little bit of buggin to keep you from letting your head explode.... Just playing with you... You and sassy give great advice and I love you for it!!!
Interesting comment I also made to a friend of mine - you don't see many girls here competing anymore. Maybe some figure here & there, fitness when you talk about Brickgirl. Otherwise the hyugeness & the PL stuff isn't the discussion du jour.
I will admit that there's no experience like a bodybuilding show to give you an idea of what dedication and NO CHEATING means. But at the same time, it is an extreme lifestyle that is very hard to maintain. It also gives you a really good baseline for determining who are your SUPPORTIVE friends, who you can truly rely on and how much whining these friends will deal w/ on low carb days.... And also how you, yourself handle yourself and your friends around in the extreme situation.
I'm personally done w/ competing for the near future -- it might be sort of fun to get on stage when I'm past 50 & looking f'n hot w/ my big ol' guns, IF i'm still f'n hot w/ my big ol' guns and not f'n saggy w/ my big ol' gut.