puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Sep 3, 2008 #41 MichaelScott said: how do you ask your sig other to sit with a sign that says puddlemonkey on it?? Click to expand... Its ebonycurves, I wanted her to prove she wasn't an alter. I would never bring a g/f to Elite, she could dig up too much dirt on me lol.
MichaelScott said: how do you ask your sig other to sit with a sign that says puddlemonkey on it?? Click to expand... Its ebonycurves, I wanted her to prove she wasn't an alter. I would never bring a g/f to Elite, she could dig up too much dirt on me lol.
Beachboy6294 New member Sep 3, 2008 #43 blueta2 said: It was a long time ago and don't have the pic anymore. Ortiz may still have it But here, I'm about to go for a swim in my pool so snapped this for you now. It looks like the one that Smurf posted Click to expand... Nice!!!
blueta2 said: It was a long time ago and don't have the pic anymore. Ortiz may still have it But here, I'm about to go for a swim in my pool so snapped this for you now. It looks like the one that Smurf posted Click to expand... Nice!!!
pin Banned Sep 3, 2008 #44 PuddleMonkey said: Its ebonycurves, I wanted her to prove she wasn't an alter. I would never bring a g/f to Elite, she could dig up too much dirt on me lol. Click to expand... Ebony is excellent motorboat material.
PuddleMonkey said: Its ebonycurves, I wanted her to prove she wasn't an alter. I would never bring a g/f to Elite, she could dig up too much dirt on me lol. Click to expand... Ebony is excellent motorboat material.
Beachboy6294 New member Sep 3, 2008 #45 pin said: Ebony is excellent motorboat material. Click to expand... I swear I've had jungle fever for about a month now!
pin said: Ebony is excellent motorboat material. Click to expand... I swear I've had jungle fever for about a month now!
S stilleto ELITE MENTOR EF VIP Sep 3, 2008 #46 pin said: Everybody loves letto. Click to expand... gah, how could you not. thanks.
N needtogetaas New member Sep 3, 2008 #47 stilleto said: gah, how could you not. thanks. Click to expand... I have seen a lot of teets on ef. I am going to say letto is in the top 3.
stilleto said: gah, how could you not. thanks. Click to expand... I have seen a lot of teets on ef. I am going to say letto is in the top 3.
Lestat MVP EF VIP Sep 3, 2008 #48 needtogetaas said: I have seen a lot of teets on ef. I am going to say letto is in the top 3. Click to expand... agreed!
needtogetaas said: I have seen a lot of teets on ef. I am going to say letto is in the top 3. Click to expand... agreed!
superqt4u2nv Elite Elite Moderator Moderator Sep 3, 2008 #50 heatherrae said: Thanks. They look good but feel really fake...lol. Soft natural boobies like yours are where it's at. Click to expand... Get gels they feel real no word of a lie I had a lot of people feel them friends etc even my mom was like holy crap. LOL Thanks Smurfy for the vote
heatherrae said: Thanks. They look good but feel really fake...lol. Soft natural boobies like yours are where it's at. Click to expand... Get gels they feel real no word of a lie I had a lot of people feel them friends etc even my mom was like holy crap. LOL Thanks Smurfy for the vote