About that...
Foxconn Intern Claims to Have Sabotaged PS4 Manufacture - Corrupted Cartridge
Some about PS3 but likely happening to PS4 too.
Someone translated-
1# OP:今天做英版PS3,在里边吐了口水,只为发泄。最近事故好多,不敢给家里打电话说事实,人命真不值钱 .
Today when I was making a UK versioin of PS3, I spitted saliva into it. Recently a lot of accident happened and I am too scared to call my family and tell them. Our life is so cheap that no one cares.
2# 哈哈,直接拉坨翔进去
Haha, you should take a shit into it.
4# 我把多出来的密封贴纸带出来了,忘贴了的都是我的
I brought the unused sealing sticker out, those which are forgotten to have sticker are all on me.
5# 我咳嗽一口痰飞到主板上,上盖直接盖上了
I coughed saliva on to the motherboard and I just cover the case
10# 表示我天天摔PS4,一次三个
I throw PS4 down every day, three together once.
Whether it's sabotage or mfg flaws the bottom line is QA didn't catch it. Either that or they're being damaged in shipping or some combination of the two.
In any case yeah I'm glad I'm waiting a few months to get mine.