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I did powercleans yesterday - experimenting with my form according to this article
anyway the first powerclean is how I've been doing it, I put my shins against the bar and setup from there. It pretty much looks more like a deadlift. SHins vertical, more bent over. Lots of arm bend, and if you pause it when I get the bar to knee level, it looks like a stiff legged deadlift! All back and hams just about.
The 2nd powerclean is more inline with the article. I line up the bar over the ball of foot when standing up so that only my toes stick out in front of the bar, then bend my knees and press my shins forward until they touch the bar and setup so my shoulders are in front of the bar, centre of gravity forward. Notice how my back doesn't change angle when I go up, unlike before where my butt shoots up. I don't feel as powerful, but with more practise it will come I think. More leg and less lower back.
Still some early arm bend but not as bad as before, but the weight is lighter though
Also followed up with some hang power cleans, I used more leg bend than I normally do and pulled more with vertical action, more leg thrust rather than the backwards yank I used to do. Feels more like a vertical jump. Bar stays closer to body, rather than swinging out and back the way I used to do em.
I did powercleans yesterday - experimenting with my form according to this article
anyway the first powerclean is how I've been doing it, I put my shins against the bar and setup from there. It pretty much looks more like a deadlift. SHins vertical, more bent over. Lots of arm bend, and if you pause it when I get the bar to knee level, it looks like a stiff legged deadlift! All back and hams just about.
The 2nd powerclean is more inline with the article. I line up the bar over the ball of foot when standing up so that only my toes stick out in front of the bar, then bend my knees and press my shins forward until they touch the bar and setup so my shoulders are in front of the bar, centre of gravity forward. Notice how my back doesn't change angle when I go up, unlike before where my butt shoots up. I don't feel as powerful, but with more practise it will come I think. More leg and less lower back.
Still some early arm bend but not as bad as before, but the weight is lighter though

Also followed up with some hang power cleans, I used more leg bend than I normally do and pulled more with vertical action, more leg thrust rather than the backwards yank I used to do. Feels more like a vertical jump. Bar stays closer to body, rather than swinging out and back the way I used to do em.