I really wanted to respond to this when you originally posted it, but I couldn't access the boards for a few days.
Anyway, read this...
I'm 28 now. Since high school, if anyone ever asked me if I'd ever really been in love, I said "the closest I ever came was a good friend of mine in high school, but we were too good of friends... and she got engaged shortly after high school anyway."
I've been in my share of relationships since high school, and no matter how good they were, I would think about this girl from high school all the time. We sort of kept in touch over the years. I got a letter from her about 5 years ago saying that she was no longer getting married. I went to see her, and I was the friend to be there for her, so I was not going to disrespect her by going beyond that during that time. It killed me not to tell her how I felt. A few years went by that we didn't talk. I figured that was it and I wasn't going to see her again. We went our own ways.
1 1/2 years ago I was about to take a job overseas that would have been HIGHLY profitable, but very very risky. The day before I had to give my final decision on taking the job, I got a letter from her(after not hearing from her for years). I didn't take the job because of the letter.
To get to the point...we're engaged now, and will be moving to AZ together in about a week.
12 years after meeting her...and many many years of thinking about her, it was clearly meant to be...so it is.
Never lose hope on things like this. Shit works in strange ways bro