how old are you?
sounds like you got one of those small chests with your stats, pretty common in younger guys. give it a few years man, be a lil patient and keep working hard.. the gains will come.
go hard and go heavy with your workouts and your diet. every 2 hours you should be feeding yourself. breakfast should be huge. your main meals should consist of carbs, cals, protein, vits/minerals. something like chicken, brown rice, sweet potato/green veggies. don't eat foods or drink anything that can kill your appetite. going hours without food cause you feel full is gonna make it hard to grow.
really most guys don't start developing fully till their mid to late 20's. and once you get into your 30's that is your sweet spot and when you are fully mature.. you won't find anyone who is less strong at 35 then they were at 22 unless they totally quit working out or have injuries.. speed at 22 cause of max heart rate will be better but not strength.