Here is something that I always got good results with...
Back Squat (warm up to 4 sets of 4-6 reps at the same weight, if u can nail sets with 6 reps, up the weight next time and finish off with a backoff set of 8 or you can do a backoff set of 8 with either front or snatch-grip squats)
Bench Press, Close-Grip Bench, or Incline Press (either the same deal as squat, or you can warm up with 3 progressively heavier sets of 5, followed by 3 sets of either triples, doubles, or singles at the same weight, and finish off with a back off set of 8-12)
Power Clean or Deadlift (do cleans 2 weeks on and deads every 3rd week.....for cleans do 4 sets of 5 reps OR 6 sets of triples, doubles or singles, if u opt for the lower reps on a workout day finish offwith a backoff set of 5 reps....for deadlifts do the same thing)
Assistance Work: DO either incline or flat or decline d-bells for 2-3 light sets of 10-20 reps)
Power Snatch (warm up with some easy fives, then do triples until your form gets shaky, then thats it)
Chins or Lat Pulldowns (3 sets of 8-12, if the chins get easy,instead of running up your reps, add weight for resistance)
Calves (Standing 3 sets of 6-20; followed by Seated 3 sets of 6-20)
Abs (Shoot for 200 reps over a few sets, or even one set of u can, this is a goal, if u can't do it at first, don't push it, work up to it, or u won't be able to take a shit for quite a while)
Overhead Press (Either 4 sets of 4-6...or warm it up with 3 fives followed by two triples then a backoff set of 8.....or warm it up with 3 fives, then 3 sets of 1-3 reps on the push press followed by a backoff set)
Front Squat (Ass to the floor....3 sets of 6-8 reps with the same weight, when u can nail all 3 sets for an easy 8, then up the weight 5lbs; u just squated mon and will be again on fri, so don't let ur ego take over on these, u wanna strengthen and condition, not annihilate yourself)
Side Laterals (2 sets of 10-15)
Front Raises (2 Sets of 10-15)
Back Squat ( 4 sets of progressively heavier sets of 5 and your final set should be 5;bs more than you used on Monday, the nthis will be your work weight the following Monday)
Stiff Leg Deadlift or Goodmornings (3 sets of 8)
Dips ( 3 sets, when you can hit all 3 sets for 20 reps, add weight for resistance)
Power Shrugs (alternate snatch and clean grips and do 4 sets of 4-6 reps)
Triceps (1 movement for 2 sets of 20)
Biceps (1 movement for 3-4 sets of 8-10)
I have a lot more shit I can post, I just really liked this one, it was hell, don't get me wrong, but as long as u don't go overboard on your poundages it conditions the shit out of you and builds functional strength