I'm 33 years old, 5'6 weigh 140 in the off-season @ about 13% bf. I competed in my first bb show this year
year and won 1st in the two shows I competed in. I weighed in at 132 @ 8%bf. I was on
a cycle of clen, cytomel, and win. I'm having trouble figuring out what to do in the off-season as far as diet
is concerned, I'd like to maintain a reasonable bf%. I train very hard in the gym. I squat 405, curl 55, and press 165, I also do 35 to 40 min. of cardio 4 days a week. Is there anything that I can take to help gain mass, but
also loss bf, some help with a good off-season diet would be great also. I have trouble adjusting to the change
my body has made since competing , how do female bb's stay lean and hard in the off-season besides doing
the major steroids.
Please help!!
year and won 1st in the two shows I competed in. I weighed in at 132 @ 8%bf. I was on
a cycle of clen, cytomel, and win. I'm having trouble figuring out what to do in the off-season as far as diet
is concerned, I'd like to maintain a reasonable bf%. I train very hard in the gym. I squat 405, curl 55, and press 165, I also do 35 to 40 min. of cardio 4 days a week. Is there anything that I can take to help gain mass, but
also loss bf, some help with a good off-season diet would be great also. I have trouble adjusting to the change
my body has made since competing , how do female bb's stay lean and hard in the off-season besides doing
the major steroids.
Please help!!