I think there are a few preconceptions you need to toss out the window:
Carbs/Sugar and Fat are NOT necessarily bad. You need this stuff. There are good fats, OK fats, and bad fats, same with carbs. There are good carbs, ok carbs and bad carbs..
Nuts (of all types) do have a lot of fat, but these have some essential amino acids in them that you don't get many other places. Good stuff just make sure to eat them in moderation.
Sweet potatos, Oats, Whole grain cereals, green veggies all are great sources for carbs. Yes there may be some sugar involved but these should be staples for anyone's diet, unless you are doing a CKD or something of that nature.
I think you should try to shoot for about 40% protein
30% (good)fat 30% (good)carbs
you can figure out the numbers or if You'd like, I'll do it later