hey bros,
i would like to know is it better to be natural or juiced? i have been searching into it for couple of weeks but got a mixed opinion. so many guys in my gym they been taking steroids(i think) but they havent made a much difference in their physics. where as, there are couple of guys who's been doing a power lifting routine and i am sure they dont steroids at all. they been putting on weight every week. is it jus genetics or something?
Genetics is part of it. It could also be that the "steroid" guys are using fake stuff, or maybe it's real but their diet is so horrible that they aren't gaining anything
is that true a person can still maintain strength even after quiting if he's natural?
Everyone has a genetic natural limit. If the drugs helped you reach your limit, when you go off (provided your natural system kicks in again) you keep your strength. Otherwise if you became massively strong beyond your natural limit, you will fall to your natural limit, whatever that may be.
Just wondering, Creatine isnt a steriod is it? I never thought it was until some things I have read as of late, and some guys in the Steroid forum saying they inject Creatine.
Not a steroid, but I wouldn't inject it, especially the stuff that's already liquid from the factory (junk)
A couple weeks ago a user made a post about a Dianabol - methandrostenolone - only cylce. THen a few days later he is replying to another thread about Dianabol - methandrostenolone - like he is a expert. So he has never taken it, but is more than happy to share his expertise w/ you. I don;t know, maybe they are all staying at Holiday Inn Expresses.... (BTW, Dbol Only is a great first cycle... people that say 'oral only' cycles are bad are misinformed, and are not speaking from real world experience).
LMAO like the rodeo clown

4. Lifts - NO ONE grows doing curls and kickbacks - period. People grow by Squatting, Deadlifting, Benching, Chins, and Rows... in that order. Period. Feed, Lift, Rest, Repeat.
Agreed 110%
If you are happy with the way you look, or with your lifts and how they are progressing then stay natural. If you are not you should look into a few things prior to ridin' dirty...lol
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the most common reasons for people to want to get big and lean are the following:
1. To get girls/get layed
2. To become intimidating to enemies/perceived enemies
3. To excel at some specific sport.
4. To show off to others their superiority
If all you care about is getting layed, forget steroids PERIOD!! You don't need them, as long as you are ripped (even with 12" arms) they will think you are HUUUGE and are more likely to find you attractive enough to sleep with.
If you think you will become menacing and intimitating, then you will probably have to use the drugs. If you are happy with being in the top 70% of intimidating physiques, you can get away with mild cycles. If you want freaky huge size and strength, you will have to abuse your body with drugs like crazy. Personally I rather carry a gun nowadays, since having 24" arms won't protect you from the crazy with a 9mm.
Pretty much the same applies to any professional sport. You can no longer compete unless you are on the sauce.
As for showing off, depends who you want to show off to. If it's the average joe, forget steroids, just get ripped and that will impress the hell out of everyone. If you want to show off in the gym, prepare to abuse your body with drugs, since you'll have to be bigger and leaner than 80% of the gym, and if you want to be in the top 90% start finding out Ronnie Coleman's drug cycling, and start saving for the $$$ the drugs will cost ya to do it.