Liftbig said:
Highlights of the trip!
It was really awesome, from start to finish.
One day, I had Louie Simmons standing to my left, and Dave Tate behind me, critiquing my squat, then the next day I had Mike Miller teaching me how to bench Metal Militia style. I told spatts after getting to Westside that at one moment, I was thinking, okay, these are just guys, getting to work out, then a few minutes later, I'm back in awe at getting to see some of the biggest names in powerlifting.
Louie told me my form wasn't bad until I started trying to squat outside my strength range, and interestingly enough, he said that was probably a result of needing more back strength. I told him I could do a 500lb GM from 44", and he said that was a wasted exercise for me, and to do some hypers and reverse hypers, as well as more ab work. I know I don't do a good enough job of using my air, so that wasn't so much of a surprise. He suggested laying on a bench with a plate on my stomach, and pressing out against it for reps. I'm going to follow spatts' lead on ME squat moves, cut out some GM's, add in some different back work, and keep doing my swingthroughs.
Metal Militia was definitely a lot of fun. I think I could have gotten more out of it if I had had a double denim bench shirt instead of the poly, but it was a valuable learning experience anyway. I did triple 225 with the poly, and Deb was gracious enough to lend me her double denim to try, but it just wasn't the right fit for me.
In any case, I have a new form to try, and I'm really anxious to get a shirt, and see what I can do. I'd love to get my denim in here, get some work with it, and take another trip to see what Mule can teach me then.
When I came back, I was explaining where I went on my vacation to some coworkers, and the only thing I could compare it to was a basketball player getting tips from Michael Jordan. I think that's the only comparison that does it justice.