Took a Rest Day the other day and now I'm back at it

I did not have time to wait in-between sets any longer than 1 minute so my strength depleted fast.
Bench Press [6sets]
1 @ 225lbs for 15
1 @ 225lbs for 8
1 @ 205lbs for 10
1 @ 185lbs for 10
1 @ 145lbs for 15
1 @ 145lbs for 10
Pec Deck Machine [6sets]
1 @ 210lbs for 12
1 @ 190lbs for 10
1 @ 190lbs for 8
1 @ 170lbs for 8
1 @ 160lbs for 10
1 @ 160lbs for 8
I also finished off with a 3 hour Walk. I am thinking about moving up from 1700 calories to 2000 calories to compensate for the extra cardio.