Nature Boy, much thanks. I feel like a new broly. Check your PM's also...
KINGKONG69, I used calipers, 3-point test...nothing fancy. I tried the 7-point test a few times, and it wasn't that much more accurate. However, it was more time consuming and I needed someone else to pinch my blubber for me.
beastboy, if you have specific questions about cost, email Swolecat. I don't have his addy nearby, but you can get it from his website.
The_Eviscerator, I noticed the same thing...after the inital weight loss I didn't loose a pound, but my bodyfat kept going down. I'm aiming for the 7% mark also. (but I'm gonna take a week off for now and just live on beer and pizza)
HG Pennypacker, the workouts and cardio are somewhat flexible, but you should stick as close to the progam as possible. For example, I usually did my cardio around 8am as I don't usually work 'til 11am or so...
JG1, awesome work man. Actually, I paid very close attention to many of your SGX posts when I was doing my research. You're one of the reasons I decided to take the plunge...good to see it's still workin' for ya.
Climber406, it's only going to get better dude. In 2 weeks you won't even recognize your body....seriously, the changes happen that fast.
danielson, like JG1 said, cardio is usually 40-60 mins every day. I did on average 45 mins/day, 5-6 days a week. Mostly rollerblading (remember my "attacked by a dog post"?..I fucking got mauled just to lose weight lol). I havn't had a reason to do double sessions yet, but I may incorperate them at a later date.
Transporter, actually theres a lot more to it than that. I have to go out now, but I'll respond to your post later.
thanks for the comments boys