a strong back and abdominal structure helps but the culprits for poor posture is our day to day positions. prolonged sitting, standing etc. tight hipflexors, tight spinal erectors, lengthened abs, there are many more factors to poor posture. to prescribe a particular exercise without assesing ones posture can exacerbate the situation and actually worsen the condition.
i assess posture daily, and teach corrective stretches to clients that have deviations. there are a plethora of factors, weak muscles, tight muscles, lengthened muscles, and if one stretches the wrong muscle, it can worsen the condition.
the general term "abs" is what most people think of to strengthen their midsection. but most are referring to their external abs. the actual muscles that you want to work are your internal abdominals, ie your core. when you activate this muscle complex you are tightening the entire internal musculature responsible for stability and spine integrity. hit up a search for core strength online and see. im not sure if this is a new concept or one that just got an actual name but its actually quite paramount to incorporate it into a fitness/ workout regime. guaranteed, once you start implementing core movements, your power movement will improve.