New member
My trainr put me on diet to gain super masscuts, he is xrussian champin
from ninteen 80's, he is super good at traning. Everyon give this a bang and get great resuts
7am MEAL1: 2 sausage slam breakfast meals,hash brown;half gallon juice
10am MEAL2: 4 cups cereil 2 glass milk
1pm MEAL3: pound submarin snadwich extra cheese on low carb bread; half gallon diet coke
4pm MEAL4: 5 tablespon penut butter on bread (low carb bread);skim milk
8pm MEAL5: cuple pounds of beef with nodles and beans;skim milk; bread if want(be careful carbs)
11pm MEAL6: salad(low carbs dressing), beer(if drink)...or jerky
no powders or pills suplements, only good eating to get mass resu;lts
from ninteen 80's, he is super good at traning. Everyon give this a bang and get great resuts
7am MEAL1: 2 sausage slam breakfast meals,hash brown;half gallon juice
10am MEAL2: 4 cups cereil 2 glass milk
1pm MEAL3: pound submarin snadwich extra cheese on low carb bread; half gallon diet coke
4pm MEAL4: 5 tablespon penut butter on bread (low carb bread);skim milk
8pm MEAL5: cuple pounds of beef with nodles and beans;skim milk; bread if want(be careful carbs)
11pm MEAL6: salad(low carbs dressing), beer(if drink)...or jerky
no powders or pills suplements, only good eating to get mass resu;lts