Snarling Force
Active member
Well in the past 3 months, I have gained 30 lbs and a lot of strength by using a combo of Creatine, 1-AD, 4-AD, N Large 2, and assloads of protein. My diet was high in calories as I ate constantly. Well I'm now at the point where I would like to start cutting up. During my bulking phase, I had removed all cardio. Also, although I ate like a monster, my diet was not always the best and part of that 30 lbs I gained is clearly fat. As I look into the mirror, I see mass but I also see blubber which has me depressed. Not a lot of fat, but mainly around the love handles and stomach.
So one of my questions is, now that I'm done bulking up and I'm off the 1-AD and 4-AD and the N Large 2, I'll just be using Creatine and lots of protein so what is best diet I can be on to acheieve my goal of cutting up but at the same time, keeping the muscle I did gain in the past 3 months? I am kind of stuck in my mind at being scared to stop all the crazy eating I have been doing because I like the size I have gotten but at the same time I want to cut up. Where I have a little confusion is how do calories play into the big picture when talking about muscle? To cut up, I will need to reduce my calorie intake right? Well since I am taking in fewer calories and doing cardio, will my new muscle mass be maintained or will it wither away? I guess the number one question is will a diet high in protein and low in calories be enough to sustain my strength and newly built muscle mass?
Right now I'm 6'2" 230lbs and I would say my BF is 18% but that is just a guess as I have never had it measured.
Thanks for any advice and sorry for the long post.
So one of my questions is, now that I'm done bulking up and I'm off the 1-AD and 4-AD and the N Large 2, I'll just be using Creatine and lots of protein so what is best diet I can be on to acheieve my goal of cutting up but at the same time, keeping the muscle I did gain in the past 3 months? I am kind of stuck in my mind at being scared to stop all the crazy eating I have been doing because I like the size I have gotten but at the same time I want to cut up. Where I have a little confusion is how do calories play into the big picture when talking about muscle? To cut up, I will need to reduce my calorie intake right? Well since I am taking in fewer calories and doing cardio, will my new muscle mass be maintained or will it wither away? I guess the number one question is will a diet high in protein and low in calories be enough to sustain my strength and newly built muscle mass?
Right now I'm 6'2" 230lbs and I would say my BF is 18% but that is just a guess as I have never had it measured.
Thanks for any advice and sorry for the long post.