I know there is a difference in muscle fibers (fast, slow, etc..) My question is that; Do some people have more of one kind than the other. For example, I have been training for about ten years and in that time I have been doing pyramids 12,10,8,6 and also straight sets of 6 to 8. I used to feel that I only grew with heavier weight at less reps. This is definately true with my legs. For some reason my upper body doesn't respond the same. So, after so many years I have now switched to doing no less tham ten reps at any given weight and no more than 13. I am an average build... not real thick in the upper body but big lower body. I guess it is from all of those years playing Hockey in college. Now, my lifting partner was a football player with a few extra pounds or fat...you could say. Now in football, everything is based on power movements such like power lifters. I feel that this gives a great base to the skeletal and muscular system as well as the vascular systems of the body. Since his football days he had dieted down and looks amazing. HE is vascular as shit and has a huge muscular look. He is about 220 and 6%bf. I feel that he has such an advantage over me now because my dumb ass was walking around the gym during my teens like the other assholes that you guys poke fun at. Unfortunately I had no one to show me what to do. Now I am 207 and my bf is on the lower end but by no means am I cut up. My question is, How in the fuck do I put on massive size without having to be a fat ass. I want to keep my tone. I upped my caloric intake to about 4000 for over two months and I looked like shit! So how do I grow without getting all fat. Should I stick with my buddy's ten rep workouts or should I pyramid. We are not overtraining. we hit one bodypart at about ten to twelve sets a week. Any advice. My diet is pretty good three solid meals and three supplemented meals. Any advice is appreciated. I need a good workout. Is four days a week good? I am doing cardio four times a week at 25min. About the muscle fibers..... I am hard pressed to do anything over eight rep. No matter how much weight is on the bar I end up dying after 8. Should I be forcing myself to do reps of ten and no less to kick my fast twich fibers back in? Is it better to be explosive (but in control) on the basics? Tell me I am crazy just please let me know what you guys think.