Day #12 & 13:
Well the past couple of days my energy levels have bottomed yesterday was difficult as I just wanted to lay around and do absolutely nothing...but I got my workout done with the help of
N2 Amp and
PWO Powerchews. So, being I had the day off of work, I went to the gym around 10 a.m., big mistake! Too many people, too many trainers, I do not like crowds especially when I want to train without interruptions. So I started my workout with cardio...probably not the best thing to do considering being fasted and glycogen was at a minimum already from low carbs and fasted, but I did
50 min treadmill @ regular 3.8 mph, 6% incline. I was soaked in sweat afterwards and my sweat smelled heavy of ammonia...ketosis, but still managed to get through a light back workout:
Close Grip High Cable Rows: 5 sets-1 warm up, 20/15/12/10/10 reps, 150/180/200/225/225 lbs.
Bent Over BB Rows: 4 sets, 15/12/10/10 reps, 135/185/205/225 lbs.
One Arm DB Rows (off rack): 4 sets, 10/10/8/8 reps, 90/100/100/100 lbs. (DB at this gym only go to 100

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 4 sets, 12/10/8/6 reps, 160/190/220/230 lbs. (energy tanking hard!)
Pullups: 3 sets, 8/6/6! 223 lbs (my current weight)
Since my workout ended right around the time for my feed coming off of a 16 hour fast, I had a
Muscle Replenisher shake, went and picked up my daughter from school, then came home and had:
10 egg whites w/1 pack Low Sugar Instant Oatmeal & 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter (still was hungry) so
1 Homemade Rocky Road Protein Bar for dessert

I ended up eating this 2 hours later as well, then was eating leftovers from the week every 2 hours there after up until 8 pm (chicken, ground turkey w/veggies, spaghetti sauce with ground chicken, etc.)
So last night I hit the pillow a little late (11 pm), had both my wife and my daughter fall asleep on my lap watching a movie

, then I slept in today to get some much needed sleep that I never seem to be able to get during the week, so I got about 9 hours last night and still feel tired. The wife is at work until 3:30 pm and I won't be able to get to the gym until later, so updating my log and going to make breakfast for the little one.
I will probably hit
chest/calves/cardio this afternoon, hoping crowd will be light on a Saturday afternoon on the coast, and we will go from there. I will hit legs tomorrow at my other gym Powerhouse and eat some carbs today so I can hit them heavy!
Have a great day folks...train hard!