He uses the bumper lanes
the moron of last night:
Pretty big dude (from my perspective) probably around 240-260 (with his gut it's hard to tell

)... Very thick guy, jacked up top ... just with a prego belly... odd looking... wanders around the gym aimlessly inbetween sets killing time I assume.... oh and he's wearing jeans.
He gets this guy reping out single arm reverse grip tricep somethings on the cable (forget what they're called.. i've done them, but in NO WAY as friggin' fast as this guy... it was more of an elbow exercise for this numbnut

Big Dudes got a bench loaded up with 325lbs...
... He lays down... Arches his back like he's doing a damn Bridge thingy... has his feet out wide... grips like he's doing a "normal" bench... so it's like part powerlifting stance part "normal" lol...
... Now he's got the weight above him... when it goes down is the scary part

... It goes down... I see in the mirror... Literally going 1.5-2 inches into his chest/belly area... "HOLY SHIT" i though... dude's just bouncing the weight up and down, mostly negative.
The "bro" is yelling "you got it, YOU GOT IT" ... with his hands on the bar pulling
... The bar dipped into his body deep about 5 or 6 times
All the while the A&F kids on the seated preacher curling "station"... are going to town helping eachother do reps.