The most annoying bastard at my gym is this short bald guy who loves to bother women that are training alone. He makes me sick. They have complained about him a few times. He also loves to load the bar up with 135lbs and do 'squats'. He goes down about 3inches and then GRUNTS really loud as he goes back up.
One time the bastard got really out of line. I was with my wife working out about 6 months ago. She was training with me and he then starts asking me right in front of her about my ex fiancee from 3 years ago! He actually goes "whatever happened to that little blonde girl you were with. dont tell me you broke up, it looked serious!" I tried to keep my cool, but my wife told him he was rude and had no manners. He then told her not to be insecure. Now I have fun with him. Today I unracked his weights he was using on TWO benches (one loaded with 135, one loaded with 95). That's right the fuck was taking up two benches. Unreal. So while he went to bother some poor girl, I stripped the shit off.