BiggT said:This is kind of funny, and I am the moron here, actually, I was pwned by an 11 year old girl.
This was about 4 years ago, and I was doing pullups with a palms away from me grip. It was a Sat. and a guy who was a gym regular brought his daughter, who was a gymnast, to the gym with him on Saturdays. She was about 10 or 11, and looked all of 8. Anyway, I was doing pullups and my oversized ass was gasping for air between sets and the guy asked if his daughter could work in with me, so I said sure and brought over a utility bench so she could stand on it to reach the bar.
So, the girl starts stretching and contorting her body and whatnot, and the dad said, you can go ahead and do your set if you want.
What happened next, I will remember forever, lol. I did 9 pullups and the girl asked how many I did, so I said 9. Then she said oh, did you ever use that thing over there (she pointed to the gay assisted chinup machine where you rest your knees on a counter balance). So, I said "no, sweetie, these are the real deal". So, her dad brought over the bench and she climbed up on it and grabbed a hold of the bar, palms away just like I was doing, and proceeded to do 20 perfect pullups, lol. So, then she said to me in all seriousness, "Maybe you could have done 10 if you used she pointed to the gay assisted chin machine".
Well, I was laughing my ass off and so was her dad, but she was 100% serious and couldn't tell what we were laughing at.
LMAO that is cute of her.
I woulda punched her dad out. J/K
that is funny bigtt