Well I've been reading this thread for a very long time! FUNNY SHIT.
Yeah I've never seen the curling guy in the squat rack before until recently... new gym. Yeah I just ran for another 20 minutes until he was done the first time. But the next time this guy was there with his bar and he was off to another machine... I asked this guy who was lifting next to the squat rack if anyone was using it making sure this jack ass overheard me asking him and he said "No." So I quickly unloaded it and set it up for some squats! Muahahaha.
Yeah I saw a tag team mexican real men wannabe's grabbing the biggest DB's (100's) and double teaming a couple reps and then walking out leaving the weights behind. I ended up putting the weights away... 90% of the people there would hurt themselves through improper form and don't have the strength to move 100 pound DB's off the groud. My good deed for the month!
And yeah I guess I'm a jackass because I drop my DB's when I'm flat benching after I reach muscle failure. Honestly the reason why I use DB's is cause I lift alone and I can drop them after muscle failure. I'll probably continue to drop them... oh well. I dislike the spastic sit up I have to do with my legs raising in the air especially when I have the inability to move the weights lower down on my chest... I don't drop them to be cool, but I do feel good lifting to muscle failure. I know I should lift to lift to 1 before absolute muscle failure and stop because it's safer, perhaps I will because dropping them could potentially be dangerous. Downside is if I do this people won't realize to stay the fuck away cause I might have to drop them... as is they stay away and no one gets hurt. I've also gotten stuck with the bar on my chest before... and well dropping DB's is better for my health!
Anyways the gym I'm in now is so bad I'd have to give 90% advice so I keep my mouth shut. We got the wolf gang/bench/curlers regulers, we got the 20% movement on every exercise people, but at least there is no gay men hitting on me and no one squats so the 1 power rack is mine for the most part. Plenty of women, but sadly they don't do bent over exercises often (they're probably afraid of getting big) and stick to the cardio.
It'd be cool if people used there brains and reasoning skills in every area of their life... but most use it in maybe one, at least I assume they do because they're alive aren't they? Perhaps I'm giving the living too much much credit this day in age. "An educated man is as superior to an uneducated man as the living are to the dead." When written that sentence may have been true, but who knew how easy life could get?