Story #2, I was asked to spot this guy on the smith machine doing decline bench (the gym doesn't have a decline bench so a lot of the guys use the smith machine). It was loaded up with way more then this roid head could ever dream of lifting. He literally move the bear up and down like 3", I was like WTF is this guy doing. I stood there trying not to laugh and only helped him get the bar back to the top for the last "rep". He gets up and says "man, that sucked, I usually do more".
Lmfao for this reason I built my own (small) gym in my garden because some of the guys at the gym spent longer in the mirror than moving metal.. Anyway a kid ( 20 ) from a few houses down my street asked if he could start training with me as he was not "growing" yet his strength had improved on he was benching 110kg in his reps when we started training he did as you explained the 3" movement haa haa then I explained the importance of form and a full movement his bench dropped to 60kg four months he's chugged he listened as he is now up to a proper 80kg (30% improvement) and seeing the gains... Great post mate still laughing