Depends on what your trying to do. I'm cutting and trying to stay cut so I dropped pretty much all dairy, I eat my cereal with sobe life water. But if your tryin to bulk I would say drink milk me personally would get the almond soy milk.
Depends on how well you digest it. Some people can't do it at all (lactose intolerant) many people get bloated by milk (poorly digested) some have absolutely no problems with it. If drinking a pint makes you feel full chances are you aren't digesting it well. I put away an average of 4 pints per day and never had any problems with it.
Regarding soy, several studies have indicated soy raises Estrogen levels in males.... May not be a great idea for bodybuilding purposes. Also 2% milk has a higher percentage of protein than soy milk.
Listen to colstreamer b/c he is 100% right about soy having affects on you. It should be avoided like the black plague. I would recommend go with almond or coconut milk
Depends on what your trying to do. I'm cutting and trying to stay cut so I dropped pretty much all dairy, I eat my cereal with sobe life water. But if your tryin to bulk I would say drink milk me personally would get the almond soy milk.
Lol that's some gross cereal brother. But milk ain't bad, like some said some people have no problem and some do. If your going to drink it, get some organic no fat or low fat. I personally drink a lot..and handle it well. No matter if I'm cutting or bulking it's always in my diet.