a guy in my gym with a pretty good set of shoulders said he saw a huge gain in shoulder size when he went from barbell to dumbell military presses. which do you guys use and why?
Yeah definitely variation in KEY in my opinion. Mix it up and determine which exercises are best for your individual preference and use them. Variation is one of they keys to growth.. basics are GREAT for mass but altering your exercises/rep schemes/rest periods is the key in really busting through plateaus etc.
I do dumbells most of the time. My shoulders have been hurting on and off for a couple of years now so I can't go as heavy as I would like. The barbell seems to hurt my shoulders more that's the only reason I use dumbells.
I use barbells for a couple of reasons. I feel that it is easier to overload my shoulders with the use of barbells and I can help to overload them in my power rack with partial movts. I also do not have anything to sit on and use for support for dumbells...so if I ever use dumbells I do them from a standing position.
Never forget that what may work for someone else...may not work for you. I have learned this over the years and it is true. Also...if you see someone with big shoulders...look at the rest of their body. If it is big too...then maybe take their advice. Believe it or not...I have cross-striated quads...and was born with them. I've had them since I was young (12-14). Never had to work for them at all. People have asked me all the time how to get cross striated quads and I can't tell them...what I can tell them is how to get a bigger back...something I had to work for.
Variation will definately give you a large key to becomming larger and stronger. Vary up the movts as your body tells you to. Gotta listen to it.