what are you doing and how is it working? the info has been out on this for a while and i'm curious as to how people are progressing
what i did to prepare for my last meet was pretty much the basic outline from one of sebastian's articles:
raw- work up to max triple
4,3 and 2 board - work up to max triple
BB rows - 2 sets of 8-10
plate raises
wednesday: squat work (not very high volume/intensity)
raw warmups
shirt - work up to heavy triples and maybe a heavy single
6 and 5 board - work up to max triple
rack lockouts
(something similar to that) oh yeah, i took every third week off
now..i got much better results when i did a max single on the boards. that was also when i just started the program and i was always hopped up on an ECA though so who knows. my board #s have gone down since i stopped the ECA. oh well
now a shirt statement and question. it's REALLY important to LEARN your shirt. just going through the reps with your shirt on is not going to cut it. you have to find the groove and get the reps in it. you also should work on your form every rep. i didn't do either and payed for it at my meet.
now..my shirt is a karin DD rad cut (open v-back). it's pretty loose, i feel..but looked like it fit pretty close to what everybody else's looked like at the meet.
1. are your ams (in an open DD) supposed to stick straight out like in a tight poly? mine can hang at my sides easily
2. should i get it altered if i plan on going up a weight class (though it might take 1-2 years to get to that weight) or just get it altered and get a different shirt when i'm bigger?
what i did to prepare for my last meet was pretty much the basic outline from one of sebastian's articles:
raw- work up to max triple
4,3 and 2 board - work up to max triple
BB rows - 2 sets of 8-10
plate raises
wednesday: squat work (not very high volume/intensity)
raw warmups
shirt - work up to heavy triples and maybe a heavy single
6 and 5 board - work up to max triple
rack lockouts
(something similar to that) oh yeah, i took every third week off
now..i got much better results when i did a max single on the boards. that was also when i just started the program and i was always hopped up on an ECA though so who knows. my board #s have gone down since i stopped the ECA. oh well
now a shirt statement and question. it's REALLY important to LEARN your shirt. just going through the reps with your shirt on is not going to cut it. you have to find the groove and get the reps in it. you also should work on your form every rep. i didn't do either and payed for it at my meet.
now..my shirt is a karin DD rad cut (open v-back). it's pretty loose, i feel..but looked like it fit pretty close to what everybody else's looked like at the meet.
1. are your ams (in an open DD) supposed to stick straight out like in a tight poly? mine can hang at my sides easily
2. should i get it altered if i plan on going up a weight class (though it might take 1-2 years to get to that weight) or just get it altered and get a different shirt when i'm bigger?