We once caught a friend using a banana! What you do is cut the tip off a banana and scoop or squeeze out the insides so all you have left is the peel and you use that. Masturbation tip from a girl
We once caught a friend using a banana! What you do is cut the tip off a banana and scoop or squeeze out the insides so all you have left is the peel and you use that. Masturbation tip from a girl
that is just wrong an soooo many levels. But more interestingly is how you got that much detail. I think i would have ran to the nearest toilet to hurl, not asking him if thats a Del Monte?
Actually it was sooo many years ago, me and my friends were about 15 years old and basically curious virgins. This was my friends big brother and he was hot. It's funny I see him every couple of years and we still think "banaaana....he, he!" He was VERY upset that we found out.
A lot of my friends in frats have told me that a lot of guys in their houses did that method quite frequently. The best part is they use to microwave them for a minute so they were nice and warm lol!!!! I am happy to say that I have not resorted to that level... yet at least....