Some have babyfaces though yes even though they have big chins. Why? because they started juicing real young and all the estrogen causes the cartilage in the jaw bones to ossify prematurely. Hence there face remains somewhat smaller than it otherwise would be. However, GH and high dose androgens can cause the jaw to grow even after the condrocyles there would normaly be done proliferating, because there is a limited amount of cartilage that remains unossified in the jaw bone like in the chin. HOwever this cartilage will only create a particualr kind of growth that causes the jaw to spread outwards, ie. in a square jaw kind of way not downward as is the case during puberty when the jaw lengthens and grows forward. TOm Platz is an example of this. His jaw is real short yet it is like a perfect square. It looks kind of funny. Bottom line, androgens can cause pronounced changes in the facial bone structure even after puberty.