from my experience. . .100% of children don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. . .
while i don't disagree that it's better to grow up in a single-parent home than one where the parents a friggin assholes. . .it doesn't excuse the parents from being assholes. . .and, i think that children that grow up in a traditional home with two loving parents are a hell of a lot better off than those that grow up in a single parent home. . .when i was a kid, my friends whose parents divorced got away with a hell of a lot more shit than i did. . .only one set of eyes on them. . .they also got a lot more presents than i did. . .their parents were always competing against one and other for the child's affection and trying to hurt the other one in the process. . .plus the gifts helped the parents deal with the guilt of having fucked up the whole situation to begin with. . .
from my experience, a lot of that "happiness" that the kids are experiencing is as a result of the material gifts that they are showered with and the additional "freedom" that usually exists in a single-parent household. . .while i believe that these children believe that they are happy (see my opening statement), i think that if you surveyed the same kids after they are grown up, the results would be a little different. . .historical perspective generally sheds a completely different light on things. . .