Don't make westside training difficult, because it is very simple. On your max effort day: after you main exercise, pick an exercise for each -- glutes, ham and lower back. It could be glute ham raises, stiff leg dl's and hyperextensions. I just started a new exercies for my glutes and hams -- cable dl;s. To do these, us a short, straigt tricep bar, attach it to a low cable, elevate yourself abotu 12 inches and dl the thing. I was pretty surprised at how they fried my glutes and hammes. I never got much out of pull thru's but many other people do.
Now do the same thing on yoru speed squat day. remember to add in the abs also.
Keep asking questions until you've got it. Like I said, you need to work on all of those -- no matter what, they need to be stronger. Later, when you figure something is really lagging and holding back a lift, you can add in some extra work for those areas. For right now, just stick with the basic plan. This is the same plan for someone that is 32 and has been at it for quite awhile(me). Your success or failure depends on how hard you are willing to work, or not work.