i def read up on it before i stepped into the stack. I just dont know anyone personally that has run it (or atleast thats open to it).
some thoughts from a rookie...
Im beginning to think that it will be difficult to get the very last drop out of the vials. Or at least without getting too much air in the syringe, making accurate measurements a pain in the butt. You really can get almost all of tho, just takes practice.
also side note, how much liquid can a 3cc syringe hold between the last tic and the needle?
lemme know when you find out.
heating pads on fresh injections feel good. Yeah, but so does massage bro. Firm massage.
as noted before, dont inject into pumps. LOL
injecting takes more time than you'd think. Sometimes for me it does and then other times its like BAM youre done...
The overall feeling of well being while on cycle is completely understated... everywhere Love this bro!
when on, you will get a pump brushing your teeth... odd yeah fosho dat bro.
If something suddenly startles you... you instantly morph into a super hero with unparalleled strength and fearlessness. LOL its true, it really is.
You don't get painfully soar anymore. Which is awesome!