No, I know it involves muscle because if it didn't, I wouldn't be having this problem.
Anyways, I had some pains when I first started, but they've since subsided. I've probably been training for two months, and I thought I was already over the pain-in-my-leg-muscles portion of this whole thing, because I haven't felt any pain for a while now until recently.
I read something about anterior shin splints, it seems as though that's where my pain is. Though since I've started, my calf muscles are way stronger than they used to be, so I'm probably doing something technically wrong thats putting lots of stress on my calves, which may be contributing to my problem, but I can't seem to/dont know how to fix that.
I jog pretty slowly, probably at a 13 minute mile pace...and usually I'm jogging off and on for about 3 miles - sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. All I've been training for is a 5k. I'm usually just jogging to work on my pacing and such, and when I want to do cardio I usually do it via things that cause my body less stress.
please don't take what I say as unsupportive...because I am genuinely supportive
a 13 minute mile is barely a shuffle and I'd put money on your stride is terrible at such a slow pace and Id be willing to bet like footdoc suggested you're having decently bad biomechanical issues..
.im SLOW and I do a 8/9 minute mile pace for anywhere from 2-5 miles depending on my mood and time.
2 months is VERY new to going on ten years, my husband is going on almost 20 years of distance running..
look over the couch to 5k program again also look into shorter distance higher exertion running like intervals of sprints in're still VERY green, don't hurt yourself...I mean that sincerely
running seems like it should be the most natural thing in the world but sometimes it isn't.
what brand of shoes are you using? brooks? asics? mizuno? something to that effect?
a quick fyi about shoes as well...they wear out fast, I have to buy new running sneakers every other month or so