New member
I have been following a low carb diet (under 20 a day with a once a week refeed) for a couple of weeks now. It is not my first low carb diet, but it is my first with the refeed. I have about 6 pounds to go before I start a new phase, my goal during this phase will be to maintain my weight at around 180, but hopefully increase my strength. I want to "cycle" phases every once in a while so I do not get into a rut. During the strength phase I will up my calories by 500 a week until my weight stabilizes, then keep it at that level for two months. I am also considering adding 30-40 grams of carbs post workout which will bring my carb total to around 50-60 daily. On non-workout days the carb level will stay below 30. I realize some disagree with this approach, but I want to give it a try and see how it works. I have been eating lots of lettuce and spinach, and I plan on continuing that, but I am not sure what type of carbs to add post workout. Right now I am thinking about adding blueberrys and maybe some oatmeal to the post workout shake. Some type of powder carb additive has also been a thought, but I like the idea of eating the berry's to get some fruit once in a while. Any thoughts?