alright so you can't do squats or deads, hmmmm.....
Try this
Chest/ delts:
Incline press 3 sets of 6 reps, yep that's right no going up or down with reps
Flat bench 3 sets of 6-8
Dips 3 sets all to failure
Military press 3 sets 8 reps
side raises 2 sets 10-12 reps
revrse flyes 2 sets 10-12 reps
Wide grip chins 3 sets 8-10 reps
Bent-over rows 3 sets 10-12 reps if not this then seated or T-
bar rows, throw in one drop set
lat pulldowns, palms toward you narrow grip full full stretch 3
sets at 8-10 reps
Dumbell shrugs 4 sets all to failure
Hack squat machine 3 sets 8-12
leg press 3 sets 8-10
Leg ext 3 set all to failure
Leg curls 3 sets all to failure
calf raises 3 sets seated and 3 standing all done to failure
Barbell curl 3 sets 10-12 reps good form
Closegrip bench 3 sets 10-12 reps
Alternating db curls seated 3 sets 8-10
Pushdowns 3 sets 10-15 reps
reverse EZ curls 3 sets all to failure
Seated overhead db press 3 sets all to failure
Basically to gain size I have found working to failure will work more than not... You will need to increase the weight little by little each week and failure should be around 12 reps so use that for a guide.... A pause at the bottom of each reps will get rid of any momentum and fully contract your muscles when the weight is lifted, I found this to be the best way to train for size got me to 218 at 5'8" at around 9%