Hard asses
For all we know from that pic, that could be a 16 year old girl in her first meet. Yes, she arched way too much and yes her ass is off the bench and yes that lift did not count. However, she did something 98% of discussion forum members dont do, she COMPETED!
Cliff if that is a chick under 140kg or 308 pounds, Id like to see you out bench her pound for pound with or without good form.
Anyone who has ever lifted in a meet will tell you the bench, the bars, the wieghts.........nothing feels like the gym they train at. First time out........second time out......ect.. there is always anxiety when your pushing your absolute max. Even experienced powerlifters fuck up. You guys throw around the words like Bro and Iron brotherhood...........its all bullshit. Someone posts a pic of a person trying there ass off and all you guys do is ridicule. Again, the overwhelming majority of you never have and never will get in front of an audience and give it a shot------Freak