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Look at Craig Titus now

Hey Arabian...maybe you should take the totality of the circumstances in to account before you make a blaket statement about law enforcemnt like that. First of all you have to take into account that they are dealing with a murder...not a jaywalker but a man that KILLED another human being. Secondly they were following their policy and procedures for that situation. They had received information that he was planning an escape from their facility. Take into account that if planning an escape he might possibly have a weapon in his cell. Those are good guys working to make a paycheck to pay bills and support their family. So yeah they are gonna go in with a show of force...but did you notice the professionalism???? That titus had no marks from abuse....they just did their job.

Yeah...., and I bet part of their job includes videotaping it and putting it on fucking youtube. Gimme a break. They may have been following protocol, but they videotaped it and leaked it to the press because he is the famous bodybuilder Craig Titus. This makes them opportunistic pieces of shit whether they were doing their job or not. Oh hes a murderer you say? Actually at the time that this was filmed he had not yet been convicted of any crime and had plead not guilty. The Constitution of The Unites States of America sets forth a legal concept known as innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty, maybe you have heard of it. Therefore by leaking this video to the press at the time and in the manner which they did, they were clearly in violation of this mans civil rights, which furthermore puts them in violation of the laws that they swore to uphold when they were sworn in as law enforcement officers. He had not even had his trial or taken his plea deal yet. So...., fuck those guys.
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Not to make this thread an argument....I do agree with you on the innocent till proven guilty statement...but I am sure they are required to video tape all cell extractions, they do it so that the inmate cannot inflict injuries to themselves and then blame the corectional officers. According to their policy i am sure they are required to video him until he is placed into a new "sterile" cell. Now I also agree if the video was leaked for profit...then it is entirely wrong....however the video was filmed and purchased with tax dollars then it is subject to the availability of every tax payer that follows the proper procedures to be given access to it, just like in-dash cam from road officers partol cars. Those videos are availible to the public...normally they are released via a discovery motion made by the defense lawyer....however the law enforcement agancy can decide to release a video too. Once again I am not wanting to make this a thread for people to argue back and forth...I just have never understood why people have such a hatred for law enforcment. As I am sure it obvious that I have clsoe family that are in law enforcement so maybe i took it a little person ...and I shouldnt have...but with that said, there is good and bad everywhere....these guys in the vidoe did nothing wrong...Titus did. Hope I have not offended anyone. Have a great day...and a remember...People say during Christmas time to remember the REASON for the season....well Easter is the REASON and a time to rejoice...
Because of where Craig Titus was housed (secure unit), it was their policy to put him in a restraint chair and video tape it. Any use of force in a correction/detention enviroment needs to be video taped. How it got on the internet is beyond me, though I think I read that his lawyer released it because he was saying that it was uncalled for.
I think Titus is a loser and have no compassion for him, but having said that, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I assure you it does not take that kind of a show of force to move one man. No wonder the prison systems are over budget, it takes eight guy's two hours to gear up to move one man. What a bunch of pussies. Haha.

Let me also say this and I don't care who it pisses off. If your in any type of LE and you do gear your a hypicrit of the worst kind. Either quit one or the other, you can't be a man of honor and do both.
Not suprised how much mass he lost. From my understanding all the free weights have been removed from the prision systems.
I think Titus is a loser and have no compassion for him, but having said that, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I assure you it does not take that kind of a show of force to move one man. No wonder the prison systems are over budget, it takes eight guy's two hours to gear up to move one man. What a bunch of pussies. Haha.

Let me also say this and I don't care who it pisses off. If your in any type of LE and you do gear your a hypicrit of the worst kind. Either quit one or the other, you can't be a man of honor and do both.

Its not about being scared or being a pussy it is policy and policies are set in place so that if something were to happen there is a plan.

Its more for the inmates safety to have that many people there than the Officers, because one Officer may have a chip on his shoulder. So having that many people keeps everyone in line, especially if they know they are on camera. Jails/Prisons are a different place, and if you have never worked in one a lot of the things that happen look bad on camera.

Go work in a Jail/Prison and you will understand why there is a need for policies as such. There are a lot of bad dudes in places like that, and they are why security measures like that are put into place. If you are housed with those guys in the same type of secure unit, then the same security measures are going to take place. Except had Craig Titus been resisting, there would have been shouting of orders, and it would have been a lot quicker, not as relaxed, there would be screaming, the inmates would be screaming, it would have been an entirely different scene.

Say you are in Max and policy states that when you are out of your cell you are to be in full restraints and considered a 2 man concept. 2 man concept meaning that anytime hes out of his cell it is required that 2 Officers are always present when dealing with him. So a kid who weighss 110lbs gets put in max, hes not violent just stupid. The same security measures have to be taken. It will boost his ego and make him feel like a bad ass, and it will make the Job of the Detention Officer/Corrections Officer that much harder and time consuming because they have to get him ready to come out. Its irritating, but it has to happen. Otherwise if you become complacent, and you dont feel the need to put him in full restraints, or deal with him one on one. Then thats when the shit hits the fan and people get hurt.

You may not understand it, but thats the way it is. It has nothing to do with being a pussy, it has everything to do with safety and security.
It sucks to see someone who had everything in life have nothing.I would love to have live the life Craig had before.I just don't understand how things like this happen to some people.I do feel sorry for Craig an his family. An the women he murdered an her family also.
i wish him the biggest of aids infested man meat the prison has to offer
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