June 1
Dosed the normal AM time. This morning I took a good look in the mirror to evaluate any changes. I'm am certain I've dropped ~1% BF and I'm up 2.5lbs on the scale, and this is on a generous calorie surplus(~500-600)! I look bigger, and my muscles appear harder. I see the biggest improvements in the size of my lats and shoulders, and my upper chest is really coming in nicely! I hit my Chest/Bis/Tris pretty damn hard today, it's my favorite routine and it really shows in the gym. No notable strength increases, just maintained or upped reps on a few lifts. It seems my strength gains come at a decent pace, normally a 10lb increase on each compound lift per week so far, but we'll see how long that remains constant. Pumps and vascularity seem to get better and better every session! Still no noticeable sides!! Gyno is my biggest concern, I had a bit of it going through puberty and it hurt like hell, but I haven't noticed any signs. My hunger is completely controllable, no hunger pains like others have noticed, but I can eat a ton of food while on cycle. The more I browse these forums the more I want to dive deeper into the world of AAS ha (Good and bad thing). The amount of knowledge some of these guys have here astonishes me!
Gonna keep this log going! It's quite a nice motivator, and helps me track my own progress. It'll probably be pretty lengthy in the end though. Stay Tuned!