Well start with either dumbells or a barbell across your back.
Feet slightly apart - about 4-5 inches
take one big step back, but not too far.
All the weight should be centred on the front leg
Keep just the rear leg's toes lightly touch the ground for balance
then kneel down so that the front leg is about a 90 degree angle, don't touch the ground as per a normal lunge.
Then with all the weight on the front leg push yourself upwards and slightly forwards using only the front leg. Its a very similar movement to a sprint, so expect your hams to blow up quite a bit alongside with your quads, glutes and calves. If you want striations on your glutes this will do it
then return the rear leg to the start position as you pushup. Don't use your rear leg to help. I prefer to work only one leg at a time as opposed to alternate legs like some people do.
Gets your heartrate going like 20 rep squats!
This is a power exercise so load up heavy! If you want freaky hammies, this exercise will deliver!