New member
Test boy said:
Excellent cum back in my book. Very cooperative and polite as well.
One thing ladies frequently don't understand is that the size of a dick can vary by 2000% from soft to hard depending on so many factors. They once ran a catheter up my dick after a mounain climbing accident to check for internal bleeding. My dad was there because he got called into the emergency room. I was so embarrassed. My Johnson was like 1" long because it had NO blood at all. They had to give me quite a bit of blood.
I would agree that it is rude if you announce it suddenly. But after 15 minutes or so...I don't think it is inappropriate. It is important to some women. If they hate big ones, they deserve a warning. Us guys can check out breasts and butts easily by comparison.
Anyways...being rude will help with maybe 1/2 of women in my opinion. In fact I have a VERY experienced friend. He used to be a nice guy. Now he is deliberately very rude to women and does very well. He tells me to treat them like shit but I refuse.
May not be the way it should be...just the way it is.
Such a sooooth operator.